Wonderful New Holistic Thought Process Beneficial to All of Humanity

Eqthinking or Equilibrium Thinking creates a balance between the rational cognitive mind and the irrational emotional mind. The thought process is binary like zero and one employed in computer coding. In this case, it is 1 and 0, where 1 is the value given to the “be at it” part of the process and 0 is the value given to the beat it part of the process. We are adding a value of one when we give ourselves the positive command “ Be calm” and add a value of zero by removing the negative of anger, when we command ourselves “ Beat anger.” Likewise , be joyful, beat sadness, be healthy, beat sickness, be self controlled, beat lust; be wise, beat folly; be strong, beat weakness; be disciplined, beat indiscipline; be gentle, beat harshness; be humble, beat pride; be punctual, beat delay; be calm, beat stress; be faithful, beat unfaithfulness; be forgiving, beat resentment.. The constant pattern is 10, 10, 10 … Each command is binary and leads to a constant ongoing cycle of thoughts creating new neural pathways in the brain, new ideas, new feelings. The process is based on repetitive reinforcement ( be at it ) alternating with negation of negative ( beat it ) like almost everything in nature is binary and cyclical- the cardiac cycle, respiration( be at it = breathe in , beat it =breathe out), day-night, consumption-excretion, birth-death, bowel movements … The constant practice of binary thought process eventually penetrates the subconscious mind which works on the binary principle of yes/ no. Mental health , emotional health, sense of well being, focus, persistence, emotional intelligence, proactive mind, creative mind - all begin to improve with the practice of eqthinking . The human brain goes into auto pilot and begins to work in a rhythmic pattern like the human heart. The rational mind begins to control and lead the emotional mind. This results in better decision making and better communication and relationships. Like working out persistently, strategically and intentionally in a gymn would develop our muscles, eqthinking practiced frequently, regularly, intentionally initially and becoming an unconscious competence over time develops our intellectual, emotional, spiritual, psychological, creative muscles or inner strength. These findings are the result of lifelong search, research, study, teaching thousands of individuals and groups from various backgrounds and experience since 1981 or 42 years of my life. It is potentially more simple, effective and powerful than most other psychological techniques and tools. The offshoot “Equilibrium Psychology” integrates for the first time positive and negative psychology. It can be practised auditorally, through self talk, through co -relating it to breathing , walking, exercising, visualising, sense of smell, taste , touch. As you practice this thought process in any or some or all of these ways, your mental, emotional, spiritual creative muscles begin to develop and keep developing as you “ be at it , beat it , all day, all night, lifelong.


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