
The Power of Equilibrium Psychology

Foundations of Equilibrium Psychology Regtrd TM IPR Copyright Patent of Author (R) Dr Prateep V Philip Equilibrium, a universal principle across various scientific domains, provides a compelling framework for understanding human psychology. This paper explores Equilibrium Psychology, a revolutionary approach to the human mind, rooted in the concept that all matter, animate and inanimate, seeks balance. The human experience, due to cognitive abilities, involves unique challenges and opportunities in maintaining this equilibrium. Introduction Equilibrium is a fundamental concept in diverse fields such as physiology, chemistry, physics, ecology, biology, and economics. In these domains, systems naturally evolve towards a state of balance, minimizing internal and external tensions. This paper posits that the same principle applies to human psychology, where equilibrium represents a balanced mental state, integrating both positive and negative forces. Unlike inanimate matter, humans, due

Fly Like An Eagle, Run Like An Youngster

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40 v 31 In this generation, virtually everything is available in abundance but what is lacking is hope. Without hope, people despair. This is the reason, I announced a couple of days ago that I am starting a global ministry to the nations of Friends of Possibilities (FoP) to bring the hope of God to people in all nations. The prophet Isaiah wrote this powerful promise that those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. I can testify that this is so true. To hope in the Lord is to believe Him, to trust Him, to have faith in His word. Today, I feel stronger than what I was at the age of thirty. Almost every day, I play around 90 minutes of table tennis or 15 games when as a youth I could hardly play five games and would be exhausted. The Lord said that since you run for Me, run after Me, I renew

An Approved Worker

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2 v 15 When I was in a line up to be introduced to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in Oct 1997, the term used was " You would be presented to the Queen.." I was by the grace of God among twelve fellows selected for the flagship British scholarship and so, it was deemed an honour to be presented to the Queen in a reception. Likewise, we are to be presented to the King of Kings as one who is a good and faithful servant of God. The uni-verse exhorts us to do our best as we only need to be diligent in studying the word, day and night and the Lord will fill the gaps in our work and our lives with His grace. If we have neglected our work, we would be ashamed when God examines us and our work but if we have excelled, then we would have no reason to hide like Adam and Eve after their fall. The metaph

UV 4277/10000 Our Need, His Seed

Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security. Jeremiah 33 v 6 The Lord who created and established this world promises us health and healing. In other words, His infinite power by which He created the universe backs His promise to give us health and healing. It is His will that we, His people enjoy abundant peace and security. When we call to Him, He promises to answer us and tell us great and unsearchable things we do not know. What we cannot search and find on google, the Lord will reveal to us. When we believe in Jesus and receive Him as the Son of God sent to be our Saviour by dying on the cross and being resurrected by the power of God, we gain access to the Father. He restores us and renews us in His image. The Lord God becomes the source of our righteousness. The infinite power that resurrected the dead body of Jesus that was completely bloodless when removed from the cross as t

UV 4276/10000 CEO- Christ-Empowered Officer

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me- the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace. Acts 20 v 24 Paul focussed on finishing well the task the Lord Jesus had given him. He did not seek a comfort zone but was always in the frontline, the challenge zone. The Holy Spirit warned him that in every city he travelled to, he would face hardship and even, prison. But Paul had died to his own ambitions and he had only one ambition to make known the good news of Jesus. He was willing to pay any price, even his own life, to fulfil his mission on earth. We, too, if we are to finish well the race of faith, need to emulate the vision and passion of Paul. Paul subjected himself to self discipline so that he did not yield to his inherent weaknesses being a man of flesh and blood. He was sensitive to the voice and leading of the Holy Spirit. He was courageous and singleminded. He was like

UV 4275/10000 Focus on Being His Magnifying Lens

See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the people but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you. Isaiah 60 v 2 The world and worldly people are covered in darkness but the Lord shines His light upon those who believe in Him, those who acknowledge Him, those who revere His name and serve Him. Darkness is a metaphor for not knowing who God is, what His nature is, and the extent of both His love and power. At the time of Moses, while darkness covered all Egypt, there was light in the houses of the Israelite slaves. Likewise, the glorious presence of the Lord lights up our lives even in the midst of gross darkness or evil and ignorance prevailing in this world. The light in us and on us will attract people from all nations and even kings or rulers will be drawn to the brightness. We will be able to see through the contemporary darkness and our faces will be radiant even as Moses' face shone after His close communion with God on the mo

UV 4268/10000

Seed and Need I will be like the dew to Israel; he will blossom like a lily. Like a cedar of Lebanon he will send down his roots; Hosea 14 v 5 Our faith in Jesus is a miracle seed. What is the primary need of a seed? The seed needs soil, water, air, light, fertiliser or manure. If we have these needs met, we should be contented. The purpose of a seed is not to remain a seed but to grow and flourish and bear fruit. When we are buried like a seed in Jesus ( our sacred soil) from whom we derive strength, vigour, all nutrients we need, we will blossom like the lily of the valley, the rose of Sharon in terms of inner beauty and in terms of strength like a cedar of Lebanon. Our roots will have to work hard underground finding its way to the water course. We need to face hardship with the strength the Lord provides. No one can see it, no one can know it except the Lord. We will experience growth like young shoots. Our meditation on His word is the dew that rests on t