An Approved Worker

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2 v 15 When I was in a line up to be introduced to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in Oct 1997, the term used was " You would be presented to the Queen.." I was by the grace of God among twelve fellows selected for the flagship British scholarship and so, it was deemed an honour to be presented to the Queen in a reception. Likewise, we are to be presented to the King of Kings as one who is a good and faithful servant of God. The uni-verse exhorts us to do our best as we only need to be diligent in studying the word, day and night and the Lord will fill the gaps in our work and our lives with His grace. If we have neglected our work, we would be ashamed when God examines us and our work but if we have excelled, then we would have no reason to hide like Adam and Eve after their fall. The metaphor of a worker is apt as we are doing the work of the Lord. The tools or resources we need are all packed into the word of God. We are to be perceptive enough to develop the analytical skills and take the help of the Holy Spirit to correctly interpret the word in its context and beyond it in terms of application in our lives today. We are to speak the truth in a spirit of love and not of condemnation so that people are encouraged to follow Jesus. Our work in its totality needs the stamp of approval of the Master for nothing escapes His watching eye. No slip shod work or work that is short of our very best is likely to meet His standards. Are we living truthful lives? Are we speaking the whole truth of the gospel and the word and not amending or distorting it to please our hearers? Are we doing our best to put into practice that which we have learnt from others and that which we teach others? These are the tests we should subject our work to on a daily basis.


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