UV 4276/10000 CEO- Christ-Empowered Officer

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me- the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace. Acts 20 v 24 Paul focussed on finishing well the task the Lord Jesus had given him. He did not seek a comfort zone but was always in the frontline, the challenge zone. The Holy Spirit warned him that in every city he travelled to, he would face hardship and even, prison. But Paul had died to his own ambitions and he had only one ambition to make known the good news of Jesus. He was willing to pay any price, even his own life, to fulfil his mission on earth. We, too, if we are to finish well the race of faith, need to emulate the vision and passion of Paul. Paul subjected himself to self discipline so that he did not yield to his inherent weaknesses being a man of flesh and blood. He was sensitive to the voice and leading of the Holy Spirit. He was courageous and singleminded. He was like a soldier in terms of his courage, a farmer in terms of his patience in seeing the results of his work for God, an athlete in terms of his discipline. It was these qualities that enabled him along with the enabling grace of the Lord and the comfort and encouragement of the Holy Spirit to complete his life and work well. Paul was a CEO or Christ Empowered/Enabled Officer, if ever there was one. We, too should imitate him even as he imitated Christ. We need to draw our strength and power from the Lord and His word to us. Paul was fully committed to Christ and His kingdom work to win more souls for God. He continues to speak to believers to this day through the extensive letters or epistles he wrote labouriously with his own hand. He also mentored and discipled several impactful early church leaders like Timothy, Mark and Barnabas.


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