
Showing posts from June, 2010

How does Eqthinking alter the paradigm of thought?

Our thoughts lead to emotions,emotions lead to decisions, decisions lead to actions and reactions,actions lead to results, results lead to happiness or satisfaction. By default, the untrained human mind is predominantly and automatically negative. We are caught in an Automatic Negative Thought Process. By practising eqthinking, our thought process gets transformed into Automatic Positive Thought Process leveraging even on a negative negative thought process(beat it). Where earlier, our automatic Negative Thoughts led to Automatic Negative Words, our expression will now get transformed into Automatic Positive Words. Our Automatic Negative Attitudes will get transformed into Automatic Positive attitudes. This is the second level of equilibrium. The third level of equilibrium is that our automatic negative emotions will get transformed into automatic positive emotions. Our automatic negative decisions will get transformed into automatic positive decisions. Our automatic negative results ...

Changing the programming

Mankind collectively and individually are designed for success, happiness, progress but we are programmed for failure. Eqthinking seeks to correct the programming by addressing the hitherto untapped potential of the negative. The binary code or binary process enables us to address the challenge of reinforcing the positive on a continual basis and to also simultaneously addresss the challenge of changing the negative into positive. Once the self talk changes on these two lines, automatically, the programming changes, our thought pattern changes, our emotional pattern changes, our decision pattern changes,our actions change and our outcomes or results change for the better. Our relationships between individuals, organisations and nations will also change for the better.


God wants man to be God-like but man wants to be like God. The least rewarded person in the Kingdom of God is better off than the most rewarded person in the empires of man The word 'lief' in old English means kingdom and belief, it is , that enables us to be part of the kingdom Universe means one verse and even one verse in the Word of God is worth all that was written by man. You can use that one verse to bless the whole universe or it can be used to bless succeeding generations. It can traverse time and space. Only if you exult in the Lord, can you exalt Him If you guard your attitudes, then all the issues of life like success, health, growth, faith, love, peace, joy, hope, endurance, prosperity, abilities, honour will flow from these attitudes. Attitude is our dynamic mental address. It is where we are at any given point in time.

Why equilibrium?

Equilibrium is the balance of competing influences. Eqthinking reconciles the competing influence of the positive and negative factors by reinforcing the positive and negating the negative. Positive thinking ignores the negative stating that it is enough to be positive. The competing influence of the thesis and the antithesis produces synthesis. Both these complementary processes are incorporated in the two processes verbalised as " be at it" and " beat it".

Failure of modern education.

Modern day education has failed to integrate composite ethics and multiple quotients and has therefore failed to have a transforming effect on individuals. organisations, business and nations. It has created a large number of individuals with knowledge but little or no wisdom leading to recurring scams, exploitation, excessive greed and so on. Even the modern techniques of self growth and personal development like Positive Thinking, NLP,autosuggestion etc have failed to achieve this intersection of ethics and quotients. It is time to lead the world from a knowledge economy to a wisdom economy. The current ongoing recession is a reflection of the failure of Economics and Management and we must begin to read the writing on the wall instead of clutching onto the straws of modern civilisation. There is need for re-engineering at the civilisational level

Composite Ethics and Multiple Quotients

Composite Ethics summed up in 4 C's - Calmness, Courage,Compassion and Creativity and Multiple Quotients like Imagination Quotient, Persistence quotient, Attitude quotient, Emotional Quotient and Spiritual Quotient are combined in eqthinking. It spurs our creativity and puts a damper on our self destruction buttons, a safety catch on our volatile emotions. Unlike Lateral Thinking that is ethically neutral and can be used by criminals and terrorists to be imaginatively destructive, eqthinking is pro-life, pro-ethics. Ethical values are emotional and spiritual intelligence encapsulated. Hence, through eqthinking, you can literally inhale or imbibe positive ethics and exhale or throw out the negative values. Ethical values like love,joy, peace, patience, humility,kindness, goodnessm, faithfulness, self control and wisdom are the metaphoric oxygen that our human minds should breathe in and their opposites are the used up carbon dioxide that we should breathe out.

YLE curve and the 100 member sales team

The 100 members of the Karvy sales team excelled as they climbed on to the Yearning-Learning-Earning curve. About a year ago, when I talked to the former Vice President of the firm,he said all but two of the sales executives left to jobs, better paid and situated. He said the eqthinking training gave them a vision of themselves. It awakened them to their human potential. Let us examine how the Y-L-E curve worked for each of them.

Yearning-Learning-Earning Curve

There s a close correspondence between yearning, learning and earning. Yearning means one has to be passionate about his/her pursuits. He should be passionate about excelling and giving it his best. When the passion is complete, he would learn the right things in due time and automatically, generate the earnings commensurate with such yearning and learning. Eqthinking requires a person to be passionate about excellence. Excellence should become a full time obsession. Yearning is about attitude, about life goals, priorities and desires. Learning is the life-long process of developing the skill set required to achieve those goals. Earning is not just the financial indicators of success but the satisfaction, contribution and reputation attained. To straight away aim at profits or income is to shortcircuit the process of human growth and excellence.

A Hundred case studies

In December 2002, I conducted an eqthinking workshop lasting for only two hours for a group of 100 sales executives in Karvy, a financial company with branches all over India. By March, 2003, the Vice President sent me a testimonial that I had a winner of a program that creates winners. He said that the average performers became top performers and the top performers also improved though not to the same extent. As a result, the total sales of the company went up from Rupees Four crores to Rupees Thirty two crores in the period of a month. The quantum jump of 800 per cent was also sustained, according to him in subsequent months. He attributed it to the entire sales team learning the new program of Eqthinking and applying it to themselves in their own way. Each according to his ability and each according to his need. Each of them took the two tools or processes of Eqthinking and applied it to their unique life situations. Let us now explore how each of them undertook this journey with...

Eqthinking , a practical thought process

Equilibrium Thinking is not an esoteric thought process but a practical one. In the past two years, it has been taught to more than one and a half million villagers in 37000 plus villages of Tamil Nadu, India, making it the largest grassroots level initiative in imparting emotional intelligence anywhere in the world. Hundreds of positive letters from village heads and others have been received expressing appreciation that the method had enabled many of them to be happier and more productive. The concept is comprehensive since it contains in seed the essence of virtually all existing approaches in psychology and philosophy and enables the common man to put it into practice. The technique or methods of practicing it are very simple and easy to integrate with any individual's lifestyle, regardless of his/her professional or economic background.

How do we know we are thinking equilibrium

We think equilibrium when we factor in both the positive and the negative factors and forces as nodal points of growth in our life. Suppose we are planning for our day, we should not plan all that we need to do during the course of the day but also factor in the distractors or other factors that will make us stray from the plan or path charted out. We think equilibrium when we also feel equilibrium, we feel motivated, cheerful, and take into account the negative factors that could provoke us or derail our positive emotions. We think equilibrium when we act positively to realize our full potential and we also act proactively to deal with all the factors that tend to detract from the realization of our potential. Those factors could be something internal or external. It could be a lack of will power, the tendency to procrastinate or it could be a difficult person or an anger prone colleague or family member. When we think equilibrium, we not only think positive by setting positive g...


The word 'be' is a simple word but a complex verb. It implies the integration of thinking, feeling, speaking, acting, reacting, creating, working, resting, exercising, relaxing, and indeed all of living. The word 'beat' similarly implies a combination of defeating, overcoming, conquering, reducing, weakening, winning, vanquishing, eradicating. Life involves two simultaneous processes in constant motion: sustaining, building or in one word edification and removing, overcoming or in one word - eradication. Equilibrium of life is achieved on a continuous basis by reinforcing the positive process of edification and while simulaneously negating or weakening the negative or eradication. Eqthinking is a dual process or binary process that altenates between : be at it and beat it. It is not mere positive thinking but goes far beyond even in its positive implications. Be at it means be positive which implies not just think positive but to feel positive, to speak po...