
The word 'be' is a simple word but a complex verb. It implies the integration of thinking, feeling, speaking, acting, reacting, creating, working, resting, exercising, relaxing, and indeed all of living. The word 'beat' similarly implies a combination of defeating, overcoming, conquering, reducing, weakening, winning, vanquishing, eradicating. Life involves two simultaneous processes in constant motion: sustaining, building or in one word edification and removing, overcoming or in one word - eradication. Equilibrium of life is achieved on a continuous basis by reinforcing the positive process of edification and while simulaneously negating or weakening the negative or eradication. Eqthinking is a dual process or binary process that altenates between : be at it and beat it.
It is not mere positive thinking but goes far beyond even in its positive implications. Be at it means be positive which implies not just think positive but to feel positive, to speak positive, to act positively, to react positively, to create positively, to work positively, to rest positively and to set positive goals and to live positively. The edification process which is itself only one half of eqthinking is far more comprehensive and significant than positive thinking. The eradication process leverages on negative forces, factors and values to also create a positive process through a " negative-negative" effect. Eqthinking can also be called the " be " or breathe excellence method as it invokes the same processes involved in breathing, one breathes in oxygen, an essentially positive process and one breathes out carbon dioxide, also an essentially positive process as it negates the negative. Hence, eqthinking is a life enhancing capsule that can be practised coterminously with life itself or with breathing. Eqthinking breaks down life to its basic binary building blocks and causes self growth to happen from breath to breath, moment to moment. All the complex processes of the human mind, the complex memories, the complex motives and motivation, the complex thoughts, the complex goals, the psyche are reduced to the irreducible minimum of a binary process. Reducing it to a binary process is not an oversimplification but a breakthrough for humanity as it lends itself to easy comprehension and practice by down to earth practical methods like breathing, exercising, walking or any other activity that is binary in nature. The congruence of the intellectual, emotional and spiritual with the physical and practical represents a breakthrough for humanity. It lends itself easily to daylong and lifelong learning and practice.


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