Composite Ethics and Multiple Quotients

Composite Ethics summed up in 4 C's - Calmness, Courage,Compassion and Creativity and Multiple Quotients like Imagination Quotient, Persistence quotient, Attitude quotient, Emotional Quotient and Spiritual Quotient are combined in eqthinking. It spurs our creativity and puts a damper on our self destruction buttons, a safety catch on our volatile emotions. Unlike Lateral Thinking that is ethically neutral and can be used by criminals and terrorists to be imaginatively destructive, eqthinking is pro-life, pro-ethics. Ethical values are emotional and spiritual intelligence encapsulated. Hence, through eqthinking, you can literally inhale or imbibe positive ethics and exhale or throw out the negative values. Ethical values like love,joy, peace, patience, humility,kindness, goodnessm, faithfulness, self control and wisdom are the metaphoric oxygen that our human minds should breathe in and their opposites are the used up carbon dioxide that we should breathe out.


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